Afvalkoning November: POLI+MEER


De afvalkoning van de maand november 2016 is POLI+MEER. Zij verzamelen Polyethyleen, dit omvat LDPE (4) en HDPE (2).


” With the name Polimeer, Alessandro Iadarola e Bob Vos develop human-centered designs and services addressing solutions for social innovation and sustainable product development.
Polimeer is an entrepreneurial design studio based in Amsterdam, NL and works independently as in collabo- ration with NGO s and the private sector.

We design and self-build our projects combining modern digital manufacturing technologies and revisited traditional craft techniques. Our projects are characterized by a strong ethical approach to environmental issue and the criticality of reevaluating discarded materials meeting the needs of innovative business models furthermore stimulating local production.

Since April 2015 the duo work hand by hand addressing solutions to postconsumer plastic re-cycling in the area of Amsterdam.
Up to now the duo has developed a personal skill-set and processes that enable them to use plastic for the productions of experimental high-end and affordable objects and generate artistic and economical value out of materials that would be discarded otherwise.

In the past Alessandro and Bob worked independently for : Cities Foundation, Waag Society, WOW art hostel, What Design can Do, Fablab Dharhan.


IMG_3742 polimeervisualWOW

+ Bob Vos

Based in Amsterdam, and a graduate from the DesignLAB of the Gerrit Rietveld Academy. I work as a freelance Designer, always looking for opportunities to collaborate on design projects dedicated to delivering quality design. Attaching great value to critical thinking and philosophy as a starting point for any creative process.


+ Alessandro Iadarola

I am Alessandro, a concept developer, designer and maker with an entrepreneurial spirit. Through my studies in Italy and Belgium and the internships in Amsterdam I developed an heterogeneous skillsset and personal approach to design and social matter.

My work is characterised by the use of materials and things at the end of their functioning period. I reprocess them into something new mixing hand work and digital manufacturing tools. I use design as a tool to research entrepreneurial opportunities and business models for production of sustainable products.



Polyethyleen, dit omvat LDPE (4) en HDPE (2), vrijwel altijd terug te vinden op flessen en zakken. LDPE wordt voornamelijk gebruikt voor plastic tassen en andere folies. HDPE wordt voornamelijk toegepast in plastic knijpflessen, shampoo, mayonaise etc. Beide worden ook toegepast in de dopjes voor PET flessen.